Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Drawing - Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher - Graphite on Paper
Copyright 2011, Nicole MacPherson

Kingfishers are an amazing family of birds!  We only get one of them here, but worldwide, there's a LOT!  You can't mistake a kingfisher, no matter whether it's large or small, short or long-tailed, you can't mistake that BEAK!  Lots of Kingfishers are amazingly bright colored.  Ours, not so much.  But they fascinate me.  Not sure why.  But they sure are cool.

I don't see Kingfishers very often, and haven't managed to get any really good photos of them, even though they can be conspicuous, perching on power lines over flooded ditches (as was my model for the above drawing), or trees near water. 
Still working on getting a good scan of the drawing!  This one is missing the blue haze, but I seem to have lost some detail in the white areas.  Hmmm...


  1. I love the detail on the enlarged picture Nicole.

  2. Another lovely drawing! Have only seen Belted once (in Central Park), though one made it Britain in 2005!

  3. Thanks Keith - looks like this one is smaller than the others - will embiggen shortly!

    Thanks Fraser! Wow, that was a long flight!

    Thanks Dawn!

  4. ...beautiful, Nicole. They are really hard for me to photograph. I've only gotten one decent shot over the years.

  5. Thanks Kelly! Glad I'm not the only one!
